

Favorite films

  • Die Hard
  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  • Parasite
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

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  • The Prestige


  • Black Bag


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Recent reviews

  • The Prestige

    The Prestige


    woah that was so awesome magic is sick is shit and the story was so cool the way all the details throughout the movie began to connect as it progressed was so cool christopher nolan just knows how to make a unique and good story like woah the way that the obsession of it drives them to do unimaginable things and will make them do anything to achieve "greatness" it was killer and the ending was amazing just fantastic not much else to say

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    this was pretty good gave me some old vibes i loved the color grading they did for it and i love how the lights looked and even just white it was like fuzz over exposed someone please let me know what that style is the sound design was cool and i enjoyed the music a lot it was very cinematic it was really dialogue heavy which was pretty good not a whole lot of action and it was a shorter…

Popular reviews

  • Parasite



    i hadn’t heard of this movie until recently i’ve been venturing into more films recently more of tv show guy in the past and i didn’t know anything about this movie except the genre i found out moments before that it was in korean. but wow was a fantastic movie just storyline, cinematics, sound fx, music, everything great. what’s a crazy story. no notes

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    okay cool cool cool cool yeah this had me tense a lot of the movie my goodness I don't watch much horror but that was good and crazy as shit and the ending was so sick and how it all connected the opening was perfect for this movie and I cant believe this was made by YouTubers and their debut film quite good I cant lie also there was some funny parts to it as well but this was sick…
