Completely half assed. Between the director, 5 credited writers and the editor, none of them figured out the concept of suspense.
How do I get a Marvel board room gig crafting the most boring villains imaginable?
Completely half assed. Between the director, 5 credited writers and the editor, none of them figured out the concept of suspense.
How do I get a Marvel board room gig crafting the most boring villains imaginable?
I feel like I’m supposed to have a higher rating for this for historical significance but it’s not that funny and Mickey is a total dick to those other animals
Shout out to the dude next to me that after delivering at least 30 “oh my god”’s, finally switched it up with an “oh shit!”
“That Ryan guy is a huge deal at the school”
Which is a great line for Ryan supremacy if it weren’t for the rest of the film. Minus 1/2 star for a historically poor representation of a Ryan in a film.
Some of the dialogue is unexpectedly hilarious. Interesting ideas and style but doesn’t quite elevate the film to something more special