It tries to be artistic which it is but unfortunately I do not like this art.
Sorry but the first one is one of my favourites of all time and I feel like It’s been butchered.
It tries to be artistic which it is but unfortunately I do not like this art.
Sorry but the first one is one of my favourites of all time and I feel like It’s been butchered.
I really enjoyed this.
It was very good but it’s just an average rom com quirky movie.
Nice to see Johansson in a different light, very cool here. Whole cast is charismatic.
I heard it was good but I was still pleasantly surprised at how good it really is…
Bar it being slow at points it offered an old style, modern action film better than most comps.
Love love love.
Martin Lawrence stand out, Smith is a delight. It also nice to see Venessa Hudgens, and with a little bit to do as well.
This is my current recommendation for what to see in theatres if you’re bored. I’d watch again.
What a shame.
I am sad I didn’t like this very much. The Hunger Games is not only my favourite franchise, it’s what I grew up watching. It’s sad that what is a fantastic book is ruined by a cloggy, dull, underwritten and (sorry Francis Lawrence) bad directing. Although I will give Lawrence the benefit of the doubt, one shot was nice, however ruined by poor VFX.
‘Ruined’ is a common word here. Yes a lot was underwhelming for what…