Robin (or Z..?) Drain

Robin (or Z..?) Drain

I can remember wayyy too many movies I saw once as like a baby compared with the amount of movies I’ve seen in the past ten years. XP

Favorite films

  • Faust
  • Castle in the Sky
  • The Holy Mountain
  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

Recent likes

  • The Mirror
  • This House Has People in It
  • KrainaGrzybowTV
  • Revolutionary Girl Utena

Recent reviews

  • Zardoz



    This film, this *cinema*, is a fine cocktail of 1/3rd (fairly basic IME but I suspect my consumption of the stuffs greater than most people’s…) existential philosophy regarding mankind’s relationship to death, 1/3 a really compelling exploration of religion, “civility”, the reinforcement of cultural strata, & the different faces of systematic brutality, and a final third of cisheterosexuality being so fucking normal about speculative fiction (this is both an intentional meritorious facet of the movie and a criticism of the film…
