Films I have been waiting years to see See notes for progress..... if any
films that have a Bell 206 in
Featuring films where a Bell 206 plays a fundamental role in the development of the plot a work in progress…
malaise era 1972 to 1983
mainly focused on big american cars made from 1972 that fell foul of the first oil crisis, and struggled to…
films that have nice pickups on the poster
posters are there to entice viewers to watch a film, if it's got a pickup in the poster I'm going…
films that have a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey in
Featuring films where a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey plays a fundamental role in the development of the plot a work…
films that have a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk in
Featuring films where a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk plays a fundamental role in the development of the plot a work…
films that have a Boeing CH-47 Chinook in
Featuring films where chinooks play a fundamental role in the development of the plot a work in progress and a…
films that have Schlitz in
"The beer that made Milwaukee famous" and "When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer" any character drinking Schlitz…
films I've fallen asleep through
ultimately some films can't hold my attention way past my bedtime sometimes it's because the film's crap sometimes I'm absolutely…
A road slightly less travelled - one of my favourite genres lending it's self well to the open expanse of…