

Favorite films

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  • WALL·E
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  • C'mon C'mon

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Recent reviews

  • Nimona



    So surprised at how much I loved this, I went through the whole array of emotions from laughing to fully sobbing watching this. The filmmakers killed it with this one, they addressed some really important points thematically that really spoke to the heart and made you think and feel and they also smashed it with the comedy as well. The only problem I had with it was I wish it was shown in cinemas and I had seen it there!

  • Close



    A truly heart wrenching punch in the gut beautiful raw emotional rollercoaster of a film.
    The colours, deep yellows and reds, the flowers and fields and warm sunlight, and love and friendship and intimacy and childhood and grief and loss… And god my heart, I felt it all so deeply. 

    The filmmakers poured their hearts and souls into this movie and it showed.

Popular reviews

  • Blaze



    This film was Art: powerful, captivating, beautiful yet absolutely confronting and gut wrenching at the same time. I’m in absolute awe of this masterpiece, so beautifully crafted and shot.
