

Favorite films

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Taste of Cherry
  • Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War
  • Trances

Recent activity

  • Apocalypse Now


  • Alhamour H.A.


  • The Day I Became a Woman


  • Four Christmases


Recent reviews

  • Apocalypse Now

    Apocalypse Now


    The story and it’s theme hold up so well… 

    Although, I felt more interested on the story of how they shot the film.

    Thankfully, such thing does exist

  • Taste of Cherry

    Taste of Cherry


    I would never clap at the end of any fictional piece.

    But I will always be the first one to start a clapping ovation for Taste of Cherry

Popular reviews

  • Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists

    Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists


    Anti-Zionism isn’t anti-Semitic!

    Free Palestine!

  • Vertigo



    I really see the potential for dissection in this piece, but it honestly left me more natural than curious at the end. 

    Though, the different personalized opinions of others about this piece kinda made the film for me. Seeing the in-depth dissection that was enabled for some (not for me) was very refreshing and hopeful; in the sense that the medium of film is still capable of bringing out so much from an individual with so little.