

Favorite films

  • Halloween
  • Alien
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • How to Train Your Dragon

Recent activity

  • Alien: Covenant


  • Trick 'r Treat


  • Terrifier 3


  • Interstellar


Recent reviews

  • Interstellar



    One of the saddest movies I've ever seen.

    Beautiful visuals, impactful story and an amazing sountrack.

    Very scientific, keeps to real life physical laws and theories, but explains the science behind gravity and time dilation well for people who don't know much about the topic to still understand what's going on.

    For someone seeing this film for the first time the ending will most certainly blow your mind.

  • Halloween



    Love, love, love the atmosphere of this movie. It's erie, it's creepy and captures that halloween look/feeling so well (despite the fact that the movie was not filmed during fall). The movie leaves many questions about our iconic antagonist Michael Myers which keeps the viewer guessing. This is what makes Myers a scary killer; we don't know why he does the things he does other than his doctor, Loomis, claiming that he's simply "pure evil", Myers has no clear motive.…

Popular reviews

  • Alien



    In my opinion nothing quite captures sci-fy horror the way this movie does. There's an erie feeling from the beginning until the very end of the movie.
    Space can be scary, the darkness of the setting and the overall atmosphere of the movie perfectly capture the feeling of the "unknown" and the isolation that space is known for. It makes one feel helpless as one knows there's nobody out there to help. Throughout the movie we don't see a lot…

  • Spaceballs



    not my cup of tea but for star wars fans who enjoy a lot of comedy and jokes this movie is a good watch. ✌️
