Liked this way more than I expected, something about a 80/90s movie that is cozy and familiar.
Love a coming of age film but Jesus Christ did the ending stab me in the heart and twist the knife
Liked this way more than I expected, something about a 80/90s movie that is cozy and familiar.
Love a coming of age film but Jesus Christ did the ending stab me in the heart and twist the knife
Sorry Bryan Cranston AND JK Simmons????? What the fuck is the budget of this franchise
Meh movie, plot was uninspiring
Won’t lie, vaguely teared up when they started talking about his mum
I love this movie. Give me 90s alt goth movie any day of the week. Muah 💋
Gary Oldman as Dracula is kinda… like 100% he can make me his bride
A lot more sexual than i expected but tbh it wasn’t crude or weird, defo added to the movie.
Will say Keanu Reeves’ British accent threw me at times.
Fabulous costume design and set design, they don’t make em like this anymore
As a notorious ‘has to watch a movie in two sittings’ I did this in one, a testament to the movie.
I fucking love Wallace and Gromit. Also it took me 4 movies to realise it is set in Yorkshire???? Shame on me
I fuvking love that daft penguin