Sam Burns-Warr

Sam Burns-Warr Pro

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Amélie
  • Punch-Drunk Love

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Mickey 17


  • Incident


  • The Girl with the Needle


Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    This fulfilled just about everything I wanted from it, with one exception. It is obviously impeccably made, designed exquisitely and beautifully shot and edited by Soderbergh, with a David Holmes soundtrack that makes it feel like a new Ocean's movie (my happy place). But the exception is, it's not quite as fun, or funny, as an Ocean's movie. And at points, it's a little too dry. That said, the craft on display is excellent and I could still happily watch a million of these, so I was very pleased.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Incredibly entertaining, when this is at its best, it's really excellent and great, creative fun. And when it doesn't work, it's because it's throwing everything at the wall, and it's a little overstuffed. It means it ends out about 30 minutes too long, with a couple of subplots and characters that are not needed. But the performances are excellent, the dialogue hilarious and it looks wonderful. So all in all, a damn good - if uneven - time.

Popular reviews

  • Queer



    This was mysterious in so many ways, and I don't know if I got exactly what it was going for, but I also found it completely intoxicating, so cool to look at, sexy as hell and just a fucking ride. I think it is probably a little long, and the protracted epilogue was a bit much, but it's so god damn stylish that I couldn't help get swept up in it. Craig is excellent, completely inhabiting the role and Starkey is an instant star. Give Guadagnino lots of money and let him fucking go for it I say.

  • Breathless



    Finally watched what has to be Godard's most important film. And what a joy it was. Everything I wanted from a cool New Wave film, but with more cohesion and mastery of the vibe than some of his later works. Maybe it's that he didn't quite know what he was doing that it works so well - but that's unfair, there is serious mastery of the art happening here. From the long single take tracking shots up and down Parisian…