Animation and horror fan
College student aspiring to be a film critic :)
This is gonna be more of a review for the first half of cinema (up to the 60’s or 70’s) as a whole rather than The Rules of the Game, since this is what I was thinking about while watching it. I understand that this half of film is far more important and innovative than the second, but because of that it’s also much different. It has different stories and styles that I personally don’t find all that interesting. I…
I’ll give AfrAId this, at least it got 2 laughs out of me: one of which being an unironically funny joke where AIA (Havana Rose Liu) calls Siri a bitch, and a cameo of The Emoji Movie with the line “this is informative… mostly” coming right before. This movie is also made by Sony, which makes that scene so much more funnier and stupid.
Aside from those lines of dialogue, the majority of the script ranges from just flat out…