
Samantha Pro


Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • The Lost Boys

Recent activity

  • Ravenous


  • Between the Lines


  • Strange Darling


  • When Harry Met Sally...


Pinned reviews

  • Funny Games

    Funny Games


    If you put Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle in this situation, Paul and Peter would’ve been dead by 8:30pm

  • It's Such a Beautiful Day

    It's Such a Beautiful Day



    this reminded of why I keep a list on my phone entitled "things I love". Here's what's on it so far:

    when it rains and there’s neon lights and the neon lights reflect in the rain
    standing somewhere away from a city where you can see all the buildings and faintly hear the traffic so you feel physically detached but aware that’s there so much going on there
    when people laugh with their full body like when their head…

Recent reviews

  • Ravenous



    this wouldn’t have happened if I were there, we all would’ve died by the 20 min mark!

  • Strange Darling

    Strange Darling


    cool visuals, good acting, yeah yeah cool but this
     hit a personal nerve with me so I kinda hate it and watching it just angered me.

Popular reviews

  • Barbie



    “Ideas live forever.”
    Every night is girls night, hell yeah.  there’s so much I could say about this and what it means but I’m so grateful for my female friendships and this movie is something so fun and amazing 🫶

    depression barbie watching pride & prejudice….real recognizes real.

  • Asteroid City

    Asteroid City


    reminds me of when a coach doesn’t think the team is gonna win so they hit the team with “okay guys, let’s just go out there and have fun!”