Me, when the catty lesbians died: “Noooo, not the catty lesbians!!”
Wild movie, gorgeously shot. John Saxon, you charming bastard. You really pulled off that fedora.
If Jaws and Alien had sloppy, drunk sex, this would be the resulting baby. It may not have the excellent camera work, dialogue, or acting that made those two movies masterpieces…perhaps this is the movie Tommy Wiseau watched prior to making The Room…
In short, this movie is objectively terrible, but I was bellowing laughter for most of the runtime, so four stars.
I’ve admittedly never seen the stage production or knew much about it at all, but I thought this was great. Big, bombastic, and suuuuper melodramatic. So much fun. The music slaps, and the ending is incredibly tragic and gratifying. Did not know Miranda Richardson was in this, so that was a pleasant surprise!
A wonderful low budget homage to the original 1922 silent-era masterpiece with a killer performance from Doug Jones, a sweeping classical score, and some gorgeous lighting work. The sequence on the boat is particularly effective in this “remix” film. It played so well in a beautiful historic theater like the State.
I was fortunate enough to co-host a Q&A with Doug Jones after the movie, which was surreal having grown up a monster kid watching his work in awe. He was a lovely human, and one of the easiest and smooth interviews I’ve ever done. Class act. What a surreal night.
A seminal piece of film history, and one of the foundational American horror films. Satan bless Lon Chaney. Joe Bob’s presentation was as entertaining and informative as one comes to expect from him. Really glad to have finally checked this off the list. Lives up to the hype.