
Samnt Pro

So what if I think The Kissing Booth is better than Vertigo shoot me nerds

Favorite films

  • It's Such a Beautiful Day
  • Parasite
  • Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
  • Dead Poets Society

Recent activity

  • Mirror


  • Blow Out


  • PlayTime


  • World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime


Pinned reviews

  • A Tilted Frame

    A Tilted Frame


    This is the type of film certain film students write paragraph upon paragraph length Letterboxd reviews about while others simply encapsulate it with the phrase "Absolute Cinema."

  • Godzilla



    Fun fact this was originally going to be filmed in Cornwall but the visuals from after Godzilla's attack were deemed too much of a positive representation of the area

Recent reviews

  • Mirror



    My favourite moment was watching Jamie slowly collapse 3 rows in front of me only to suddenly rise as orchestral heavenly music plays

  • Blow Out

    Blow Out


    Sam: "now that's a SCREAM"
    Jack: "say that again"

Popular reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Didn't expect the Nell and Kathy biopic to go this insane and experimental

  • PlayTime



    Sorry Seb it lost points because at no point did a character dramatically burst onto the scene as the score rises before cutting to silence in time for said character to look up slowly and utters the words "playtime's over"