“A man who lays with another man should be stoned”
- Leviticus something
The theater experience I had was one with the biggest screen possible with surround sound speakers pointing at every direction of my body and Hans zimmer pouring drums and woodwinds into me like the popcorn i finished while waiting through the previews. I’ve never had a theater experience like this ever, the only thing even close was across the spiderverse the first viewing, and even that isn’t a great comparison. This will likely be one of the finest films to…
First of all, tons of nostalgia from this. J grew up with these books and movies. But as I rewatched I realized there is a lot of plot holes. Without reading the books this is probably kind of annoying how information just conveniently gets to harry when he needs it. But lots of love. The quidditch is cool, and score is amazing. Characters are deeply lovable. Snape isn’t as interesting in this movie, and Quill is probably the most obvious…