sucker for some damien chazelle 🌂🌌
anti-anti cinephile
Who thought that a movie about a trickster actually just gave us a lesson to not be a bad parent. A broken family really makes you do the most lmao. No but literally: this movie was fun to watch! Dicaprio did a great job with this role and I would lie if I said I didn't blush at some scenes lol. I wish they would create more movies like that nowadays!
Fun little romcom. Even someone like me, who mostly despises romance movies, especially enjoyed it. Charming leads. Cute moments. And ofc the piano scene... Stuck in my head. Thoroughly enjoyed it! I understand why it's so beloved.
Absolutely horrendous movie. I give it a 0.5 out of 5 and those only for the camera work and cinematography. Anyone who calls this movie "empowering" needs to go outside and touch some grass.