

getting liquored up for the peach tree dance

Favorite films

  • The Master
  • Dazed and Confused
  • The Long Goodbye
  • Last Days

Recent activity

  • The Babadook


  • Anaconda


  • Hacksaw Ridge


  • Daredevil


Recent reviews

  • Hacksaw Ridge

    Hacksaw Ridge


    A uniquely terrible feeling is when you can feel a movie’s propaganda working in real time. Had to shake myself out of patriotic delirium every 15 minutes. Fuck you Mel Gibson and fuck you The American Dream.

  • Daredevil



    Unfortunately the most Nu Metal movie of all time. Therefore it is good.

Popular reviews

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    My most gratifying cinematic experience in a long, long time. I was really worried in the hours leading up to the film about how all that talk from Reeves and the cast about how the film is essentially a neo-noir was just that. Talk. But The Batman not only lived up to my expectations, it really delivered what it promised. This isn’t a superhero movie. This is a plain old regular movie. And I cannot stress enough how refreshing that…

  • Batman



    This movie is the epitome of fun. I would normally shit on a Batman film when they make decisions like this one does, but I find myself forgiving this one. First off, it was made in the (late) 80's, where I’m sure nobody cared about what Batman’s ethics were outside of a few die-hard fans that still probably enjoyed this movie anyway. Secondly, this movie is just too damn fun to stay mad at. It’s goofy and it knows it.…