This is no master piece like Parasite but is it
Fun ✅
Robert Patterson being meek ✅
Robert Patterson being aggressive ✅
Cuter worms than Dune ✅
A little messy and maybe a little too long but it’s silly and I liked it
In this paper, I will be discussing why this is an incredible film that exemplifies what it means to prioritize love and why it’s so important.
The relationship between Evelyn and Joy makes me think of the Buddhist philosophy of loving others as one’s own mother. Since buddhist believe in reincarnation that means that everyone at one point in time was our mother. There is a very high view of the mother in Buddhism. Which also reminds me of Erich…
I wish I could say this movie was incredible cause it had a lot of potential. It had very cool and interesting concepts but it never fully explores or finishes any of them. Because so much of the movie feels incomplete it ends up giving off like a try hard relatable movie vibe for anyone with any type of inner turmoil ever. Buttt butttt the color grading super cool, I loved the monologue scene, and it left me wanting to know more about this story.