surprisingly, i cried in the ened.
lovely film, happy to see egyptian movies finally talking about child marriages and stories about girls from places far from the cities.
i don’t really understand why is the movie receiving this amount of hate especially on letterboxd? I mean, yeah, it’s not the best out there, and it lacked a lot (like the unexplainable appearances of certain actors, the way it feels very americanized, makes the movie feel weirdly familiar and copied) However, for a first real trial as an Egyptian Sci-Fi film, it’s not terrible..
i am glad we are finally keeping up with the world and taking risks with the films we are making.
God… where do i even start??
I have been postponing watchigg by this for MONTHS because i knew in my heart that it was gonna crush me to pieces and it DID.
I cried so much, just the feeling of women, the female experience being shown in this raw form- gosh.
This was insanely good.. Margot Robbie was phenomenal, America ferrera and her speech? I have never cried this hard.
Nothing will ever ever top the female experience of this movie. I’ll forever regret not seeing it on the big screen.