A horrible and terrifying story.
I felt disgust in myself twice. First when I realized I was cheering the duel on at the start of the movie, only to see the reality at the end. The second when I realized it took this movie for me to understand.
A horrible and terrifying story.
I felt disgust in myself twice. First when I realized I was cheering the duel on at the start of the movie, only to see the reality at the end. The second when I realized it took this movie for me to understand.
Someone should make Fincher watch this so he can learn how to make The Smiths not boring
A film about mania, ego, and muses. The dark and turmoil they cause.
It’s also a film about hope, sincerity, love, and faith in your brothers and sisters that are your community— And hanging fascists ala Mussolini.
I was kinda shocked at how explicit they were about Adam Drivers character being bipolar. Very much going for a “all great leaders in history were likely bipolar” sorta thing.
I understand not liking this movie as much as I did, but I…