Alt review: LOVED the soundtrack omg. The music was so good and it played at the perfect moments. And loved the ending I couldn’t imagine a better ending
Alt review: LOVED the soundtrack omg. The music was so good and it played at the perfect moments. And loved the ending I couldn’t imagine a better ending
Oh wowwwieee. I can’t believe people as psychotic as Georges exist in this world. I am glad Sandi made this film to document how their journey unfolded. Tbh in the first half I really did not like this film, but in the second half when Georges was getting hella exposed I was like yessss keep the tea coming. Of course that’s not the only reason I enjoyed it, but that made it fun. I empathize with everyone that made this film (except Georges) and am glad they all turned out successful!
Oh my gosh. For Christopher and Jonathan Nolan to just write this is insane. Like what how could they just think of something like this. The whole ghost being Cooper in like another dimension thing was actually crazy I can’t wrap my head around it. Loved it wowwwieeee