

Letterboxd scares me a whole lot but eeh, I'm here to discover cool movies

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Princess Mononoke
  • The Lego Batman Movie

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose


  • Win or Lose


  • Flow


  • My Life as a Zucchini


Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose


    Una poltrona, un computer e tre amici che piangono come degli scemi guardando gente che gioca a softball e gridano DIO!! ogni volta che appare il bambino biondo strafatto di fanta

  • Flow



    This was STRIKING. I actually have 3 different comments
    1) I ain't even religious but the biblic metaphor about a new Flood (of human cause, probably) and this kind of new Noah's ark but without Noah was subtle as a tper bus, and I liked it. Also I loved the water being so full of life while still being a mean of death (mors tua vita mea between the cat and the whale I'm I right?)

    2) They really are…

Popular reviews

  • The Great Ambition

    The Great Ambition


    Anch'io voglio vivere in un'epoca dove essere comunisti è mainstream

  • Caramel



    1) Ouch, non avevo intenzione di essere triste stasera
    2) Dunque Emilio Tagliavini si commuove seguendo le pene d'amore di donne libanesi?
