COLOR, WRITERS, ARTIST ughhhhh I loveee
BUT also you went back in time met HEMINGWAY, FITZGERALD, PICASSO ETC.. and you end the movie about a random girl in Paris, like PLEASE😭😭😭
COLOR, WRITERS, ARTIST ughhhhh I loveee
BUT also you went back in time met HEMINGWAY, FITZGERALD, PICASSO ETC.. and you end the movie about a random girl in Paris, like PLEASE😭😭😭
Completely astonishing, so beautifully painful.
Communicated very well between the story to the viewer.
I feel so wordless, the directors way of capturing how it feels to understand pain and beauty and light all in one. The depth of emotion and the scarce of feeling that completely and alone. This describes so much so of what it feel like to be a artist, there are so many times where you just can’t word the divine image in your head, and the way your soul yearns.
A film full of soulful residue.
EVERY SINGLE TIME..what’s a sophisticated to say #onthefloorcryingandthrowingupandprayinglol