Kevin Greenwood

Kevin Greenwood Pro

Favorite films

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  • Mulholland Drive
  • August in the Water
  • 2046

Recent activity

  • The Company of Strangers


  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


  • 2046


  • Mickey 17


Pinned reviews

  • Sugar Cane Alley

    Sugar Cane Alley


    We open, more or less, on a mongoose fighting a snake in a cage fight. Jose, a young boy, gets in trouble for breaking his grandmother's, Ma Tine's, bowl. In his free time, Jose teaches the local boat driver, Carmen, the alphabet.

    The community squabbles about the poor wages being paid to them by their overlords. One of the old men in the community, Medouze, tells Jose some riddles.

    The children of the village find themselves in awe of finding…

  • Pelle the Conqueror

    Pelle the Conqueror


    It's Sunday morning and I'm having coffee in bed, but I'm all out of Swedish wood strawberries.

    Denmark. A father and son from Sweden have arrived on a boat. No one want's to help them: "The kid is too young." "Go back to Sweden." But, after all, "You shouldn't say yes to just anything."

    Pelle and his father, Lasse, abruptly say yes to working on a farm. They are given a fly-ridden room. Pelle meets Rud, the bastard child of…

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    Let's talk about nice things! This film contains:

    My favorite score of the year
    My favorite supporting performance of the year
    Great photography
    Great pacing

    I also love Italian anarchists and marble quarries!

    The interplay between the artist and patron and the way László has to navigate surviving as a poor immigrant in America is excellent.

    Let's talk about muddy things!

    Is the epilog suggesting that the mute and wheelchair bound László is having his life's work usurped by Zionism? …

  • The Killer

    The Killer


    Muscular, but mostly gaunt. It sounds good and looks yellow. The voiceover can border on cringe. A less ambitious Fight Club with fewer ideas. An imposter Michael Mann film without the actual cool. Fincher leaning into most of his worst impulses. Mostly a bummer, but it can at least hold your attention for two hours.