Don't know shit about movies.
★★★★★ Amazing
★★★★ Great
★★★ Good
★★ Meh
★ Shite
The guns have stopped because we are about to attack. Not even our generals are mad enough to shell their own men. They feel it's more sporting to let the Germans do it.
Spider-Man faces his toughest opponent yet, as the CGI turns on the MCU.
Film School Dropouts 2017
Week 12 - Auteurs - Orson Welles
A fast paced, self-indulgent, and somewhat incoherent documentary on fakery, mostly focusing on Elmyr De Hora's life and biography.
I quickly found myself lost on what Welles' is trying to document and had to open Wikipedia to read the story of Elmyr De Hora in order to follow. Based on this, I can only call it a poor documentary. This is too bad, as the central question on what constitutes art and fakery is quite interesting, but Welles spends 90 minutes beating around the bush.
Film School Dropouts 2017
Week 8 - Genre - Crime - Pre-Code Gangster Movie
Interesting to see a gangster movie depicting events taking place in its contemporary period, but there are some obvious flaws here. I feel the characters were quite undeveloped and boring. The narrative was not very strong and very cliché (which I will let pass, as they very well can have been derived from this movie or period).
I am not quite sure what to think of…