Don't ask me, I'm just exploring.
Ја сам овде на пробном раду.
My big kosher wedding... kinda. By the end of the film I could feel the poor ol' Motti, but...idk, nothing special, almost a parody, but with a twist!
-1 star for mentioning Netanyahu
A movie that failed so miserably because it starts off with the idea that Romeo and Juliet is a love play.
It is not.
Овај филм би добио 5 звездица само што ми се свидео много. Хвала Ћеранићу где је освежио мало српску кинематографију. Да не кењам много, филм има превише клишеа и превише Сергеја Трифуновића, али зато сетови, музика и вајб кидају.
Hope. Let me tell you something, friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive you insane. It's got no use on the inside. Better get used to that idea.
Such a powerful film, didn't expect it hit this hard, considering it's so commercially successful and I'm only watching it now for the first time. The characters were three-dimensional, the setting is great, the messages are there.
Yet, the quote that struck me the most is the one above. Hope…