I can’t breathe I’m crying so much
The last episode truly destroyed me
Acting is phenomenal
Very important series to show the dangers of social media and influences in society for young people
I can’t breathe I’m crying so much
The last episode truly destroyed me
Acting is phenomenal
Very important series to show the dangers of social media and influences in society for young people
Hats and I feel queasy
very entertaining many twists and turns
Went on too long should've ended with her duplicating for the last time and dying
Liked how it was shot very artsy
Beauty standards in Hollywood is unattainable never young enough
Don’t watch if you have a needle phobia
Too gruesome for me personally
Wholesome movie, about going with the flow of life meeting friends along the way
Cats have so much expression in their lil faces good as main character
The whale bit at the end was emotional
The Capybara was a mood
feel like if I was in a better mood this would’ve gotten a higher rating
Wild robot is better and should’ve got the Oscar instead
I have a lot to say about this film,
I really enjoyed it more than I accepted it kept me entertained through out. I was brought up on Dylan’s music so it has a soft spot in my heart. The songs make me melt a little and reminds me of my mum - a girl from the north country road is my ultimate fav and they played that in the movie with Joan 😍
Timmy was great like fully immersed…