

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • La La Land
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Recent activity

  • Challengers


  • Citizen Kane


  • Strangers on a Train


  • Wicked


Recent reviews

  • Challengers



    there's so much i wanna say about this film. i love the character dynamics - each interaction feels so realistic and intimate and sincere. i loved the focus on the men's bodies - the "queer gaze" if you wanna call it that. there's something different and special about how the camera treats the male figure and their muscles and just the overall choreographer. wasn't a huge fan of the pov shots but overall i liked the cinematography. gahhhh art and…

  • Citizen Kane

    Citizen Kane


    um. all that. for the reveal 😭😭 ok it was really good like the jump between flashbacks and present was very immersive but like yeah i did not know what this was about going into it and tbh still confused

Popular reviews

  • Strangers on a Train

    Strangers on a Train


    my review of strangers on a train except it's just the texts i sent rj while watching it
    -i'm watching strangers on a train
    -it's so good
    -it's soooo good
    -SO GOOD
    -u need to watch it
    -i didn't expect to like it so much
    -i will i will
    -u know what im noticing
    -it's so much more staged like a play
    -there's really so few angle changes
    -and the sets are displayed in a way that require the…

  • Wicked



    good things!!

    1. choreography was fire
    2. costumes
    3. jonathan bailey and his insane chemistry with EVERYONE he interacted with
    4. singing
    5. jeff goldblum
    6. ariana's comedic timing/lines
    7. the finale!!

    1. continued side smirk from soooo many chusrscters
    2. FUCKING CGI. why is this such a commonality in movie musicals. in painfully feathered and like i could tell the actual physical set was gorgeous but most of the backgrounds were cgi and just slightly over exposed in…
