Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
As a photojournalist, I’m always intrigued to watch films about journalism to see how accurate they are portrayed. So far, Spotlight and My Girl Friday are my favorite. And The Great Muppet Caper.
A little lesson in journalism regarding the Five Ws:
Who: Who is involved?
What: What happened?
When: When did it happen?
Where: Where did it happen?
Why: Why did it happen?
How: How did it happen?
I can get behind the concept of journalists needing to be…
A Frankenstein story told from the perspective of Bella, who is surrounded by male characters disappointed by this liberated woman of their own making. Full of child like wonder with colorful elaborate sets and quirky fashion, we are seeing a world through a born again woman which is rarely done.
I remember when I was about six or so bringing my pillow with a Barbie pillowcase to a sleepover and being teased for it. Ever since, I strayed away from anything “girly”.
Pink has, since the 1940s from what google has told me, been the symbol for girlhood. And for some reason *cough*patriarchy*cough* has been viewed negatively. Even some prisons today force inmates to wear pink jumpsuit to emasculate them.
I am truly envious of the younger generation today having…