

Favorite films

  • Cinema Paradiso
  • Sing Street
  • All That Jazz
  • Rain Man

Recent activity

  • Scent of a Woman


  • The Long Good Friday


  • The Big Lebowski


  • Crash


Recent reviews

  • Scent of a Woman

    Scent of a Woman


    I kinda can’t stand Pacino in this and that stupid fucking yell he does in every movie is so grating but you can’t deny the man spits some Benigni Life is Beautiful level game when he needs to. This was really long. Felt like the right way to do Leaving Las Vegas with little splashes of Dead Poets and Rain Man here and there. Okay movie. Why is this the only thing Pacino has ever won an Oscar for. Hoo-ah.

  • The Long Good Friday

    The Long Good Friday


    Oh hell yeah dude. Paper tigers wrestle with the last vestiges of a bygone empire — selling England by the GBP, all the while trying to keep the lid on top of a boiling pot too big for its own good. New favorite soundtrack. Couple of great “Wait That’s A Young ___!” moments all throughout this: Pierce Brosnan, Helen Mirren at the top of the list. 

    My buddy Aidan’s right, we do need to recanonize the English Mob Flick.

Popular reviews

  • The Big Lebowski

    The Big Lebowski


    Sam Elliott may very well be God down on Earth in real life, too. That voice and that persona ain’t nothing short of the divine himself, strolling along here among his fellow man, keeping it pushing and eating sin.

    Do ya have to use so many cuss words?

  • Megalopolis



    A two hour long version of those scenes in Girls where you see the movie that Adam was working on at that point