Truly terrible. But Hugh is good in the first half.
A24 brand dilution is real.
Stunning. A powerful fable of ecological collapse and a stirring paean to the power of compassion, empathy, and cooperation. Amazingly, the film makes it evident how intertwined those two things are - all without ever saying a word.
Plus, this might have the most stunning virtual cinematography I've ever seen. I can't remember an animated film directed with such verve and inventiveness. A genuinely remarkable film, even without considering its bootstrapped, open sourced provenance.
Another incredible thing about this is…
Sundance 2024 #7
File this one firmly under “worthwhile but lightweight Soderbergh experiments.” That’s not necessarily an indictment - the camera movement alone is worth the price of admission (with Soderbergh himself operating the camera, naturally). The performances are all strong, the narrative is shaggy but engaging, and there’s enough visual inventiveness beyond the POV to keep you impressed. Plus, it’s really funny! However, I don’t expect it’s something I’ll find myself coming back to. It’s an experiment in form…
One of the more disappointing moviegoing experiences I’ve had in recent memory. Considering how much I adored the first film and how rapturous the reception has been for this, I expected so much more and am genuinely perplexed by the critics who are head over heels for this one…
What I saw was vastly inferior to the original in nearly every way. The plot is a big ol’ nothingburger building up to a second film - it absolutely does not…