^ Every Film and show I’ve ever seen ranked above (work in progress)
Movies above 8 get a 🤌🏼
I heard so much about the twists that I was expecting to be a little more shocked at the outcome. Pretty predictable but other than that I thought it was awesome. Richard Gere is dope and I may need watch more of his movies - rest of the cast was sick too - Edward Norton was insane, Laura Linney, Frances Mcdormand… stellar stuff.
Pretty good, a little boring though. Some funny bits in there but to me this movie didn’t really know what it was or atleast I couldn’t put my finger on it. Great cast - David Koechner was funny.
Great stuff, Hemsworth killed it. Anya Taylor joy was pretty good too. Casting in general gets a 👍🏼. Not quite at the level of the first but very enjoyable.