i was willing to let bygones be bygones
does anyone else see joel edgerton looking like liam payne?
i also love jason bateman so much, he’s fantastic in this.
gotta love being inside walls
thanks gaspar, very edgy, very creative, very pretentious but also i think very special and kind of awesome but it’s not without it’s flaws and i feel different every time i watch it. the runtime is absolutely daunting, a little long but it would fail to be an odyssey without the runtime and in the end there are no rules in cinema so i mean, at least gaspar is passionately working at this movie, it’s not my favourite of gaspar’s but it’s definitely unique / worth a watch
get cummed on
have fun 🤩 💵
This is honestly I think worse than the first one. Bad special effects, bad dialogue, bad cinematography. I’m genuinely so fucking disappointed with this it’s not even funny, and I’d rather watch 2016 squad. I’m truly disgusted and surprised with how annoying this is. Wow.
airplane death/sex monologue
the dialogue is amazing.
kind of love it honestly but it’s absolutely terrible but very funny in a horribly dated way
surprisingly a great double feature paired with it comes at night