

lover of stupid girl/kids' movies and george harrison :)
just have no one to talk to about the films I watch and want to rant sometimes!!

Favorite films

  • Clueless
  • Juno
  • Dazed and Confused
  • That Thing You Do!

Recent activity

  • Failure to Launch


  • The Craft


  • The Prince of Egypt

  • Clueless


Recent reviews

  • Failure to Launch

    Failure to Launch


    I don't care I like this. A lizard laughs. The ocean and town and houses are pretty; Matthew McConaughey is pretty. Zooey Deschanel is a quirky side character and yet I don't want to shoot her as I usually do and as she wants to shoot the mockingbird; and her thing with Justin Bartha is adorable. SJP's wardrobe and hair are sexy and enviable beyond belief - makes me want to live somewhere warm and wear sundresses and flip flops…

  • The Craft

    The Craft


    Don't know how to feel. Snakes cool. Home architecture and set design very stylish. Lirio's wardrobe the best of them all, sorry main girls. Robin Tunney's and Neve Campbell's ultra-90s layered blowouts are the exact hair I want every day why can't that happen for me I feel like I need a hair-styling spell.

Popular reviews

  • There's Something About Mary

    There's Something About Mary


    First of all: Jonathan Richman! Jonathan fucking Richman! in a dayglo orange ruffled blouse singing in Spanish! singing about how "true love is uncivilized"! in that brown suit with his red electric guitar!
    I could not suppress a giddy smile a moment this man was onscreen. he is one of my favourite artists and I have such a crush on him and nineties Jonathan is such a good time, man. gorgeous perfect music from a gorgeous perfect man.

    this is…

  • Stripes



    ample opportunity to swoon over young harold ramis + near-constant laughs = damn good movie!

    (I saw the extended cut and I wouldn't delete a thing. of course, there's a lot that's superfluous, but it's all just so correct to me.)