Amir Malekpour

Amir Malekpour

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Favorite films

  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  • The Long Goodbye
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Sunset Boulevard

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • The Last Ranger


  • Wander to Wonder


  • Armand


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    outside of the obvious garnishes of brazil & 12 monkeys i love how director bong joon-ho enriches through refining what chaplin did what modern times with the obvious alienation of working labour through the world created into a lubitsch comedy of manners where mickey learns to find meaning in the meaningless of the world he slaves his labour away for wether it's his love of nasha or how his desire to escape debt brought his agency down to choosing between death…

  • The Last Ranger

    The Last Ranger


    here's a text i sent to the man who is my spiritual patriarch in these arts creatively as soon as i walked out of laemlee 5 today:

    just saw the last ranger at laemlee 5 haven't wept in a theatre that hard in a minute. made me think of fanon's wretched is this earth. i truly don't believe colonialism ever ended i think it just hides under terms like enhanced interrogation techniques or global capital as a loan through the…

Popular reviews

  • Wicked



    as much shit as i talk about my fellow theatre kids i will be at this opening weekend singing this obnoxiously with them—truly brought something different than what the iconic production gave us. it's not only that this particular production of this classic is an incredibly accessible entry to why i love the theatre but it's that it gave us what every actor working on stage wishes acting on the stage could give their audience & that is why i love…

  • Makibefo



    Hands down one of the best adaptation of Macbeth I've seen.