🌨️ ❄️ Movies that fits my taste and I think represents me well Films will come and go on a…
8+ Watched Directors
Here is my list for every director that if seen 8 or more movies from. They will be written down…
To rewatch list
horror mode
All Rewatched Films
The stats page only shows your 36 most rewatched/most recent rewatches. This is for all the forgotten rewatched films left…
Longer length doesn't mean better quality, but oh my does it seem to correlate
Oscar Best Documentary Features+Shorts
Combining both the best documentary winners for the feature length and short together. Long term goal is 100%
25 Directors for 2025 - Japanese Edition
Seen this challenge floating around, decided to add my own sebcorian twist. 3 films per director, can only have seen…
Japanese films that center around children.
From Child like innocent, to depraved crimes, this subsection of films is a fun rollercoaster to explore. Here are all…
🕯️ Best of Japanese Action
🩸 Blood soaked cherry blossom petals falling onto the big screen 🌸 This isnt meant to be encyclopedic so here…
Credited Animals
Animals that are credited on a film's letterboxd page. (no docs tho). There will probably be some overlap, sorry. If…
Tour Around the World
Been going at this in the shadows for a while now, but I want to get a full green map…