Sidd Suresh

Sidd Suresh

Movie watching habits about as random as it gets...

Favorite films

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Speed Racer

Recent activity

  • Love and Monsters


  • tick, tick... BOOM!


  • Army of Thieves


  • Palm Springs


Recent reviews

  • Love and Monsters

    Love and Monsters


    I'm just going to be brief about it. Great Story. Great Visual Effects, a simple concept done really well in my opinion. Great story-world, leaves me wanting to learn more. But the dog.... literally reeling at the fact that he is the GOODEST BOY ever and I use those words sparingly.
    Just watch it for the dog at least :')

  • tick, tick... BOOM!

    tick, tick... BOOM!


    Wow... Hats-off to Andrew Garfield for a sunning performance. Dancing is one thing but having to learn Singing FROM SCRATCH in just over a year for a specific role shows talent and discipline towards one's craft. All of the performances and musical numbers in this movie really showed and carried this Bio-pic and deserves a watch at least one.
    Everyone has their own opinions about musicals and so do I, but good ones always stick with you.

  • Army of Thieves

    Army of Thieves


    Watched it because I assumed it was a prequel to 'Army of the Dead', which it was, but the story-telling is way better?? From the dialogue to the montage shots, you can really see how the MC's personality changes as he gets thrown deeper into a new world that is so clearly out of his comfort zone, but thrives on.

  • Palm Springs

    Palm Springs


    Great watch if you just want to have a fun time and not have any complicated storylines trying to confuse you as to how Time Loops work.
    It's a chaotic situation but the rules and situation is clearly defined as the movie progresses, with the solution being only just a 'little bit' of a cop-out but nonetheless a fun watch.
    Also Cristin Milioti wearing the 'DADDY HAT' spoke to me in more ways than one 😍
