i thought Musical was a slow genre to create in
but stop motion animation a whole nother
cos they got our plot a year late..
(Innovator and AI sceptic team up to reset bot to defeat hacker)
i thought Musical was a slow genre to create in
but stop motion animation a whole nother
cos they got our plot a year late..
(Innovator and AI sceptic team up to reset bot to defeat hacker)
*Only watched to Paul's Boutique at 1:10. I'll watch the rest when my very own MC Beastly gets there*
Funny to discover that their name was also an acronym ( 📺)
Really inspiring for Smalltown Dreamers.
- blend of video clips and live sections
- meta bits interacting with Spike Jonze. Reminded me of Bo Burnham's "Make Happy" Netflix show.
Affirming to see it all came about from them having a laugh. The artistry came later.
I'm just glad the tall robber has someone looking after him