

I didn’t know this had bios this is crazy

Favorite films

  • Pitch Perfect
  • Cruella
  • Fight Club
  • Bottoms

Recent activity

  • Barbie: Princess Charm School


  • Don't Try This at Home: The Steve-O Video


  • Adolescence


  • Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke


Recent reviews

  • Barbie: Princess Charm School

    Barbie: Princess Charm School


    Such an underrated Barbie movie it’s so fun the dialogue is SO silly

    “Uhm Delancie.. there’s such a thing as too MUCH perfume..” 👩‍🦰

    *blairs falls on the ground* “is it nap time??? How come nobody told me? 🙁”👩‍🦰

    “You know what really bugs me Porschia?” 🙎🏼‍♀️
    “Yodelling hand puppets?”👩‍🦰
    “..when a commoner like Blaire comes to Charm school. She makes it less special, she makes US less special”🙎🏼‍♀️
    “She does??”👩‍🦰
    “She totally does! Specialness is like this piece of…

  • Don't Try This at Home: The Steve-O Video

    Don't Try This at Home: The Steve-O Video


    Idkkkk I think I’m gonna try this at home

Popular reviews

  • Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke

    Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke


    Respect to the interviewers for calling out Kevin’s bs

    A lot of people are bothered about his spotlight - though that’s just how it goes with documentary interviews, people basically comply to them in agreement of being painted in a good light. Though even with this I think the interviewers still did a good job of showing his guilt while doing this - questioning his answers and cutting to clips showing he clearly knew what was going on while he…

  • Adolescence



    Working in that school would make me end it all wtf are these kids on

    Hope more series get popular/release that focus on toxic masculinity and misogyny. Seeing the dad’s reaction was heartbreaking. Jamie’s actors performance was incredible, to remember it’s his debut is insane
