

22 | I like Benedict Cumberbatch and Colin Firth

Favorite films

  • Patrick Melrose
  • Psycho
  • Amadeus
  • Requiem for a Dream

Recent activity

  • Take Your Pills


  • Back to Black


  • Interstellar


  • Persepolis


Recent reviews

  • Take Your Pills

    Take Your Pills


    Don’t do adderall kids just smoke a joint and carry on with your day 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Back to Black

    Back to Black


    this feels superficial and kind of… disrespectful? For some reason?

Popular reviews

  • Magic in the Moonlight

    Magic in the Moonlight


    I don’t care for Woody Allen, I just came here for sarcastic, arrogant, skeptical, clever, sassy, witty, wary, cocky, daddy Colin Firth

  • Through My Window

    Through My Window


    The cringe is strong with this one guys. 
    A few of my friends were just EATING this up but honestly everything about this movie sucks. The plot seems like it was taken from Wattpad, the soundtrack makes you wish you could forget you ever heard those pathetic excuses they tried to pass as songs, and the dialogue literally takes away your will to live. 
    This movie is no different than 365 dni, 50 shades, etc. It just glorifies toxic assholes and 
    sends a really bad message to young girls. 
    It’s so bad that at this point I’m pretty sure Zack Snyder’s Justice League was shorter.