Cute. Uglier than I remembered. Great performance by Tom Hanks. 🤠/10 – Sarah
I need to have a word with whoever designed that dog. 8/10 – Alex
Cute! I can see why it's a classic.
My little sister was in the womb the last time my family watched A Christmas Carol (2011), so I decided to watch it with her. We made it to the ghost of Marley's jaw cracking open and she was terrified, so I put on Mickey's Christmas Carol instead and regained the the big sister points I lost with that Zemeckis creepfest.
A Teacher's only redeeming qualities: Lindsay Burdge's performance, the fact that the film didn't endorse predatory relationships, (most of) the cinematography, and the score.
Everything else: n o p e. This film wasn't a "psychological thriller", and it wasn't a "provocative character study". It made no commentary on Diana's actions or psychological state, but simply showed them in a boring fashion — too many shaky close-ups and fade-to-blacks for no reason. This is why I really liked the score; it…