SForceSpector SForceSpector

SForceSpector SForceSpector

Hi Im your average talking pink fox Flash fan and 100% Trolls shill Im pretty much a sugary sweet degenerate.

Favorite films

  • The Lego Movie
  • Trolls
  • UglyDolls
  • Let It Snow

Recent activity

  • Trolls World Tour


  • Moana


  • Love, Simon


  • Free Guy


Recent reviews

  • Trolls World Tour

    Trolls World Tour


    Trolls (2016) A cute movie with cute moral

    Trolls World Tour : music appropriation is the villan

  • Moana



    Funny enough saw Trolls (2016) opening day and missed out on this film sadly.

    Honestly for the princess film after Frozen....Yeah this is better than Frozen in my eyes but then again I think Trolls (2016) is better than Frozen so I mean..

    But this movie is bursting with alot of personality from the really pretty CGI animation to the 2D animation segments to the score and the musical moments to back it up. Really everything is pretty amazing in…

Popular reviews

  • How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming

    How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming


    The MCU wishes they can make a whole movie based on their post credit scene's it's a cute holiday movie about family but my only issue is it didn't have Tom Holland in it so five 1/2 out of 5 needs more Tom Holland

  • UglyDolls



    UglyDolls (2019) is a misunderstood toy movie to start a humble toy franchise. The movie trailer are basic at the end of the day but for family entertainment it dose things that.
    My Little Pony (2010)
    Littlest Pet Shop (Both 2010 reboots)
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    All of these toy based tv shows are fun family fun from a three year old to a 80 year old anyone can have fun with it and enjoy…