Tomorrow is a new day
Dudes Rock
Non drama movies that are maliciously sad
No I’m not crying there’s something in my eye leave me alone
Gas Station Sushi Quality Schlock
These movies are bad, or worse, but you WILL be entertained. Probably for the wrong reasons.
A lot of these…
I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.
Made before their time for one reason or another. Maybe they predicted the future or maybe it’s just a cult…
I’m Sad About How Good I Am At Killing
How could a loving god allow such misery
Best Set Up : Punchline Ratio
Some of these might take the entire movie to land but the bit is worth the wait. High rate of…
Horror Movies I Don’t Play About
If you fuck with these I fuck with you
E Fantástico
Movies That Reveal There is Something Deeply Wrong With Me
Why cope with the horrors when you could embrace them?