

Favorite films

  • Ratatouille

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  • Wild Tigers I Have Known

  • A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence


  • Titane


  • Céline and Julie Go Boating


Recent reviews

  • Wild Tigers I Have Known

    Wild Tigers I Have Known

    What in indie filmmaking going on here 😭

    So I was on my way up the mountain a couple of days ago when this song, Hey Sparrow by Peaking Lights came on. It immediately caught my attention… I found myself playing it on repeat while wandering around the mountaintop. Having been released in 2011 it transported me to a completely different era of indie music that just felt so comforting to me. I looked up the MV when I got…

  • A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence

    A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence


    Karmalinjer som följande:

    Karin pratar om att hon ska till cinemateket och se en kärlekshistoria -> vi och Karins vänner sitter på en buss och pratar om Roy Andersson (jag är tyst och ”infinner mig” i någon slags ovan social takt för min del, det känns som jag ser situationen utifrån) -> jag tänker att jag alltid bara sett en kärlekshistoria av Roy Andersson -> jag spenderar tid i kommunala byggnader, institutioner, allmänna platser så som … sjukhus och… och…

Popular reviews

  • Titane



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • A Real Pain

    A Real Pain


    Guys i think bro was living at the airport
