

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • Irreversible
  • Enter the Void
  • The Man Who Sleeps

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  • Souleymane's Story


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  • The Girl with the Needle


  • Brute Force


Recent reviews

  • The Killing of a Chinese Bookie

    The Killing of a Chinese Bookie


    This may be a mob film on the surface, but it’s ultimately a compelling character study of Cassavetes himself, portrayed by the amazing Ben Gazzara ,making it one of his most personal works.

  • The Brick and the Mirror

    The Brick and the Mirror


    Rewatching The Brick and Mirror in its stunning 4K restoration was a transformative experience. this cinematic gem retains its haunting beauty while revealing new depths with every frame.

Popular reviews

  • Last Life in the Universe

    Last Life in the Universe


    watched this while i was going through a very hard time in my life where i couldn't focus on anything other than the pain i was/am having , right there under the worst possible circumstances i came across this film and it managed to uplift me and make me forget the pain for a "blissful" 2 hours . i was overwhelmed with a great amount of respect and admiration for the director to make such amazing characters , i was…

  • The Killer

    The Killer


    is this really fincher’s self portrait ? is it an autobiography ? is it him saying i. dont. give. a. fuck. to the industry and all those critics who went after him after his near miss shot (Mank) ? or is it him inviting us into his detail-oriented mind and showing nothing can alter his conscientious work ethic ? 
    i think its all the above . 

    there are so many hitman films out there , is this the best one…
