

Shoot on your iPhone, cast your brother, write the script as you go - KEEP CREATING!

Favorite films

  • Ikiru
  • American Beauty
  • The Elephant Man
  • Woman in the Dunes

Recent activity

  • Mud


  • Mickey 17


  • Stand by Me


  • American History X


Recent reviews

  • Mud



    This film accomplishes so much with so little.
    I am an indie film guy. An indie lifer, as Sean Baker puts it.

    I find myself loving famous directors’ first movies more than their later ones.

    There is something about telling a story in a tight space where all you have are the characters and how they interact with each other that is so appealing to me.

    It brings out the themes of your story unlike any other genre of filmmaking.

    It is sad to see this film be criminally underrated. This is a masterpiece.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Nah, Not a fan. Not a fan.

    Felt like they copied the novel’s manuscript length into Final Draft. All these long, inconclusive, run-on scenes with boring dialogue that didn’t contribute a whole lot to the plot….

    Two ppl walked out of the movie theater. This movie is obviously targeting a commercial audience with its massive budget, and you don’t get more of a commercial audience than where I live lol.

    No one in that theater knows who Bong Joon Ho…

Popular reviews

  • Napoleon



    Napoleon: I wanna an heir now!!

    Guy in front of me briefly side eyes girlfriend.

  • When Harry Met Sally...

    When Harry Met Sally...

    White people are a confusing specimen. I have tried to analyze them from afar but my notes don’t begin to capture their complexities. All that is left to do is take a pair of binoculars and watch them and hope I can make a breakthrough. 

    Or watch When Harry Met Sally.