

Favorite films

  • The Prestige
  • The Dark Knight
  • Apocalypse Now

Recent activity

  • The Dark Knight Rises


  • The Amazing Spider-Man


  • Prometheus


  • Iron Man 2


Recent reviews

  • The Amazing Spider-Man

    The Amazing Spider-Man


    Honestly i didn't think much of this movie prior to it's release. The trailers were neat, but never really grabbed my attention or made me want to find out more about the film. Regardless i was pleasantly surprised with how this turned out. For once Spider-Man is given the proper treatment he deserves, it has heart and depth while still being a fun action film. Hopefully Sony doesn't mess with a good thing and keeps the sequel in line with what Marc Webb has done.

  • Prometheus



    Technically Prometheus is a wonderful film, beautifully shot and flawlessly executed.

    The problem i had with the film is all within the last 1/3. Scott sets this within the Alien universe but doesn't leave things as they were, it would almost be as though they changed Anakin's name in the Star Wars prequels.

Popular reviews

  • Alien³



    Credit where credit is due, given what David Fincher was given to work with this was a decent movie. Highly recommend watching the making of feature on the blu-ray to fully appreciate how hard FOX made it for David Fincher to make this.
