

Favorite films

  • A Few Good Men
  • Zodiac
  • Young Frankenstein
  • Short Term 12

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  • Jojo Rabbit


  • Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer


  • Bad Boys for Life


  • The Two Popes


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  • Ad Astra

    Ad Astra


    One of the few times I think Mark Kermode is 100% correct.

    "While First Man was an object lesson in “show, don’t tell” film-making, Ad Astra seems determined to show and tell at every opportunity, right up to the hokey coda, which rivals the knot-tying antics of Insterstellar’s all-too-neat final act."

    This isn't a bad movie, just a hodgepodge of two or three good ones. Every technical and performance-based aspect was nearly perfect, but unfortunately, the script and direction left me baffled.

  • Ford v Ferrari

    Ford v Ferrari


    Buncha dudes bein' guys.

    A thrilling final 30 minutes does not fully make up for an otherwise sleepwalking first 2 hours. Bale and Damon were good. The story was enjoyable. The final race was intense. And yet, I couldn't help but feel like this movie is missing an x-factor. Something memorable to put it over the top. Going into it, I assumed it would be Bale and/or Damon.

    Unfortunately, no such factor exists, and we are left with a perfectly "fine" movie that will have high syndication on TNT and STARZ.

    Also Josh Lucas' performance was cringe-worthy.
