Re-Animator Siggy’s Very Own Fan
Ms. "Re-Animator" Witt
A Different Man, But The Same Beast 😈
No actual plot spoilers but don’t read if you haven’t already seen (unless you don’t care, then neither do I, just read anyway tbh), not using the spoiler tag cause I don’t want too:
Despite no longer retaining my belief, Catholicism is something that has and will always be integral to my character, and was what most likely bred my love for art. So it’s incredibly meaningful to see a film that very evidently reveres traditional Catholic art and aims…
I wrote a huge long ass review for this on the bus home from the cinema, but the draft didn't save and I'm trying to recollect my train of thought piece for piece to make a coherent review, so forgive me if any of this reads like horse shit.
I'll start by mentioning the score, Umberto Smerilli has crafted an amazing soundscape that perfectly encapsulates Edward's emotions at any given point in the film, as well as just sounding phenomenal…
Crafted from the ground up to be watched in its optimal form at 1.5x-2x speed.
Marching Powder Mickey 17 day double bill, Barbenheimer for real cinema lovers. None of that fake muck here
Part Green Street, Part House of Cards, Part Trainspotting, and Red Dead 2 as well. Except it’s about the fall of being a hard nut geezer instead of an outlaw. Thought that from the start of the film, and was almost launched out of my chair when the son plays red dead 2 and the mission failed screen serves as a pivotal…
An afront to art itself. Rabid idiots defending this as not only good but amazing only serve to represent the downfall of media literacy as a whole; at least it looks nice most of the time (every action setpiece makes me want to jam forks into my eyes).
There’s not a consistent character arc that’s entertaining to consume. Denji’s obsession with touching boobs or having sex or whatever it is genuinely pathetic to watch, and even worse when you realise…