A seriously incomplete cliff notes version of a fascinating book. Damn, can’t believe this is Errol Morris.
2 stars
A seriously incomplete cliff notes version of a fascinating book. Damn, can’t believe this is Errol Morris.
2 stars
After watching every other Jerry Lewis movie in the isolation of my apartments over the years, watching The Big Mouth projected on a big screen with a game and curious audience gave me a kind of whiplash. Yes, a huge portion of this did not work but many gestures, jokes, and gags I would have overlooked as half baked, easy, or minor got solid laughs. Even his most trying sequences you could feel ferment and grow in the theater to the point that they became fascinating and inescapable objects. Wild experience.
5 stars
An especially violent, gory and cruel outing from Daffy, featuring an odd Elmer stand in, which concludes with a scene of homoerotic and inhuman sexual temptation. This is what fueled American children's imaginations during the second great European war.
Truly, such a balancing feat is not physically possible.